My Life My Say Get Voting with Me

1.5 million 18-24 years olds don’t know you need ID to vote. And in an election where young people were set to be significantly underrepresented, we needed as many people as possible remembering their ID and having their voice heard.

So, we partnered with the non-partisan youth-led charity to create a pre-election campaign, #GetVotingWithMe, where influencers and organisations posted ‘Get Ready With Me’ content with a twist: ID. While talking through their typical routines, they’ll also deliver an unexpected reminder to bring valid ID, helping their followers really get ready for the polls on July 4th.

By collaborating with creators that young people already listen to through an idea that builds on a popular social media trend, the campaign aimed to reach underrepresented 18-24s in a way that traditional political communications has failed to do.

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GVWM Sitckers
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